Swami Sridhar Maharaj was born on 7-12-1908 in Lad Chincholly,near Gulbarga in Karnataka. Every moment of his life was dedicated in the service
of the divine. Before attaining MahaSamadhi on 19-4-1973 at the Varadpur Ashram,
Sagar, Karnataka where he established the “Dharma Dwaja”, he inspired the masses and reinforced the principles
of “Sanatan Dharma”. In 1948, Sreedhar Swami came to Rishikesh after eight months of “Tapas” at
Uttarkashi. Swami Sivananda, founder of Divine Life Society, Rishikesh immediately recognized him by his divine radiance and
welcomed him and offered Pranams to the great saint. Swami Sivanada told his disciples “ I walked a lot, but I have
never seen “Tejasvi” & “Tapasvi” of the order of Sreedhar Swami Maharaj. “Akhand Brahmanishta”
and “Purna Gyani”such is the nature of Sreedhar Swami. ” Karpatriji Maharaj in Kashi has said “
In present age, Samarth Ramdas has himself come in the form of Sreedhar Swami. Dharma’s establishment and social transformation
has all been made possible by Sreedhar Swami’s “Akand Tapas”.
Temple of Shidar Swami in Varadpur Sagar Karnataka |

Yog Mandir near Shidhar Swami Temple |

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Shiv Parvati Mandir Madhukeswar Vanvasi Shirsi |

Madhukeswar Temple Vanvasi Shirsi Karnataka |
